

Foundation is awarded with Ethnic and Racial Diversity Seal for the second consecutive year

The Seal once again recognizes the actions of the Foundation’s Social Program

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Norberto Odebrecht Foundation was once again awarded with the Ethnic-Racial Diversity Seal, recognition from the Salvador (BA) Municipal Secretariat of Reparation (SEMUR). The granting of the Seal, in the Recognition category, took place in a face-to-face event at Cine Metha Glauber Rocha, in the capital of Bahia, and included speeches and lectures by Bruno Reis, the city’s mayor; Ivete Sacramento, Secretary of Reparation; and Luana Genót, writer and Executive Director of the Identities of Brazil Institute (ID_BR). This recognition attests, for the second consecutive year, how the actions of the Foundation’s Social Program promote ethnic, racial, and gender diversity in the territories in which they are implemented.

“Promoting inclusion and diversity is a commitment that should be part of any social program,” says Beatriz Lepikson, responsible for People, Compliance and Finance at the Foundation. “And that’s why valuing equality between people is so relevant to us. After all, we know that in the communities and territories where we operate, racism is one of the aspects that contributes to these vulnerabilities. Without fighting it, we cannot move forward,” she opines.

With the Diversity Seal 2022-2023, the organization also continues to have access to a series of debates and trainings to support companies, organizations and individuals to promote racial equality. In November 2022, for example, members of Norberto Odebrecht Foundation and its partner institutions participated in lectures promoted by SEMUR to raise awareness about unconscious race biases and the importance of diversity to the corporate world.

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