

Historic collection marks Tribute to the Future 2023

Results of the latest campaign show the highest amount ever raised and reinforce the culture of solidarity within the Novonor Group

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The campaign benefits teenagers from the rural areas of the Southern Bahia Lowlands

Proving the premise of the slogan of its last edition, “20 years impacting lives that transform tomorrow”, Tribute to the Future 2023 was a success, surpassing the figures of the last campaigns and reaching the historic mark of R$7.4 million raised. This amount is the result of contributions from 1,712 individuals and companies, 1,459 of whom are members of the Novonor Group, and R$5.3 million raised via companies, demonstrating the strength of solidarity in the quest for social transformation. 

“The Tribute to the Future campaign is a way for each of us to go beyond our own circles and do more to improve other people’s lives. It’s a humanist action,” said Héctor Núñez, Novonor’s CEO, in a statement sent to members during the campaign. An initiative of the Norberto Odebrecht Foundation, Tribute to the Future raises funds to help bring quality education to young people in the rural areas of the Southern Bahia Lowlands. These contributions support the education of students at the Family Houses, partner schools in the application of PDCIS, the Foundation’s social program that celebrated its 20th anniversary in 2023 and inspired the campaign’s theme.

Fabio Wanderley, the Foundation’s superintendent, can’t hide his happiness with the results achieved: “We’re grateful for the support of all the Novonor Group’s leaders and the donations from each member, both individuals and companies. The campaign exceeded expectations and continues to be a success story for fundraising in the third sector.”

One of the groups responsible for engaging in the initiative are the Agents of the Future, volunteer members who support and drive mobilization within Novonor’s Businesses. A volunteer for several years and responsible for engaging hundreds of colleagues in the last campaign, Rhana Leticia Tavares, from Prosub/OEC, says that taking part is a unique opportunity to impact lives in a positive way. “Receiving feedback that our work has brought good results is very gratifying, because it means that we have contributed to access to educational opportunities that provide more hope for the future.”

Donate to educate

With the support of Tribute to the Future, 337 students from the Family Houses were in training in 2023

As an example of the impact of the contributions, the donations for 2022 helped to bring education and sustainable development to 337 students from the Family Houses and their families last year, not only by teaching them at school, but also by implementing social technologies to improve living conditions in rural areas.

In 2023, these students also carried out 307 multiplier actions, which enabled them to share their knowledge with more than 7,000 people, most of whom were members of their families and farmers from local communities. In addition, 427 Educational-Productive Projects were set up, a rural practice that directly contributes to the students’ practical learning and stimulates growth in their monthly incomes.

Donors: remember the tax benefit!

As this is an initiative that supports projects incentivized by the Municipal Funds for Children and Adolescents (FIA), those who donate to Tributo ao Futuro can declare their donation in their 2024 Income Tax (IRPF) and obtain a tax benefit if they use the full declaration form. For this reason, all supporters of the campaign can access their donation receipts in the user area on the initiative’s website. The receipt will also be sent to taxpayers’ emails by the end of January and is essential for the IRPF declaration process. If you have any questions about this process, please contact the Tribute to the Future team at

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