

Youth House State High School Earns National School Management Reference Award

Ceremony, broadcast live by Canal Futura, was accompanied by students and educators who were thrilled with the recognition

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The fans were many in the municipality of Igrapiúna, in Bahia’s Baixo Sul region. Students, teachers and employees of the Youth House State High School (CECJ), an institution supported by the Odebrecht Foundation, gathered in front of a big screen television on November 8, eagerly awaiting the result.

The ceremony held at the Rio de Janeiro Municipal Theater announced they had won the National School Management Reference Award - 2009 Base Year. CECJ was chosen from 2,375 Brazilian public schools as a reference in education.

The director of CECJ, Francisco Nascimento, represented the school at the event. “This is the result of a collective effort,” he said.

Designed to promote improvements in the performance of teaching institutions and the successful learning of students, the award seeks to identify and recognizes effective administrative practices.

It is a joint initiative by Brazil’s National Board of Secretaries of Education (CONSED), the National Union of Municipal Education Directors (UNDIME), the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the Roberto Marinho Foundation. It also receives the support of the U.S. Embassy, “All for Education”, “Competitive Brazil Movement,” the Gol Group, Itaú Social Foundation, Gerdau, the Razão Social Institute and Brazilian Ministry of Education.

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