

Plan to generate results

Cycle of Action Programs of the SIDGP (Sustainability Integrated Development and Growth Program) institutions started on Monday (25)

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Planning the next steps is one of the secrets to a successful journey. This way of thinking, which is part of the culture followed by the Novonor Group, is also present in the SIDGP, the Norberto Odebrecht Foundation’s Social Program. After all, promoting sustainable territorial development is not a simple task. And to articulate the priorities and goals of the institutions involved in reaching this goal, the planning cycle of the Foundation’s partner organizations for the year 2022 started on Monday (25).

The AP cycle started with a meeting between the Foundation and the organizations carrying out the SIDGP in the Papuã Center, in the municipality of Ibirapitanga (BA). “We discussed trends, set goals, and aligned budget issues. We also updated ourselves on the country’s and the sector’s scenarios and made a general analysis of the environment in which we operate; all in order to reach a work proposal for the next year”, says Cristiane Nascimento, responsible for Sustainability, Partnerships, and Communication at the Foundation. 

The planning model used by the institutions, called Action Program (AP), is the same used by members of the Norberto Odebrecht Foundation and the rest of the Novonor Group. Besides highlighting the priorities for the coming year, the document details the mission, philosophy, purpose, and scenarios related to the goal to be achieved. For Cristiane, the scope of the AP allows planning aligned with the objectives and fronts of the SIDGP and with the expectations of the program’s social investors: “In the end, the planning will be in line not only with the institutions’ work, but also with the performance of the social investors that support them,” she says.

For Joaquim Cardoso, Executive Director of the Organização de Conservação da Terra (OCT), the AP cycle “is the moment to evaluate our experience, our evolution, and our accumulated strengths, within the SIDGP, so that we can project our work into the future. OCT is one of the Foundation’s partner organizations present at the meeting. For Joaquim, it was a fundamental moment: “We did a substantial data survey, so that we can come up with a proposal for next year with the highest possible level of accuracy,” he says.

Another highlight of the meeting was the presentation of a study on the contribution of the SIDGP to the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda. The analysis was produced by the Foundation and discussed with the institutions with the objective of aligning even more the Program’s practices with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as explained by Jonas Nogueira, from the Foundation’s Sustainability area: “we look at the SIDGP indicators and data thinking about the contribution they can give to measure the goals and the achievement of the SDGs”. At the meeting, it was the moment for a joint debate about the study. “We had a more collaborative, dialogic moment, in which the institutions were able to validate this process. And this will reflect in the APs for 2022, since monitoring and evaluating the results is only part of the process, we must also challenge ourselves to expand the results”, he comments.

The 2022 AP cycle will follow with three more meetings: the next will be an internal meeting between each institution involved; then the Foundation and the organizations meet again; and, finally, the cycle ends with the closing of the SIDGP Action Programs. In addition to the debate on the annual planning, the discussions will also address the priorities and goals for the next 3 to 5 years.

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